Through a number of surveys, it has been shown that currently fake, counterfeit and poor quality goods are present in many segments of the market, especially in large cities such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
Counterfeit goods, imitation goods, and poor quality goods have manifestations such as diversity in designs, "flexibility" in price and, especially more dangerous, are also rich in types. Most reputable companies, brands, and popular with consumers are at risk of counterfeit or counterfeit goods.
From an economic perspective, fake and counterfeit goods greatly affect the profits of genuine manufacturing and trading enterprises. Counterfeit goods lose the reputation of businesses, mislead consumers, and lead to them turning away from the product. On the other hand, because they have a price advantage compared to "genuine" goods, fake and counterfeit goods cause genuine products with clear origins to fall into stagnation and decline in revenue. The widespread counterfeit goods market will negatively affect the overall development of the country's economy.
THUY DUONG Labor Protection Company would like to confirm that it does not provide poor quality products, non-technical standards, or second-class goods to any unit.
To avoid damage to customers when buying fake or counterfeit goods floating on the market, THUY DUONG Labor Insurance recommends that customers go to the correct agent addresses of THUY DUONG Labor Insurance Company. Customers in remote provinces can buy products online, visit our official website to learn how to identify genuine and counterfeit products of the THUY DUONG brand of labor protection at the following link: or contact hotline: +84 28 3636 0404 / +84 28 3636 1444.
THUY DUONG's Labor Department is working with the authorities to wipe out a network specializing in counterfeiting and imitating brands. We welcome customers who have information about fake or counterfeit goods to send to us or notify law enforcement agencies for strict handling. Currently, BHL THUY DUONG is offering a reward of 2 million VND to whistleblowers who discover and report agents selling counterfeit goods under the brand BHL THUY DUONG.
Thuy Duong Labor Protection Production and Trading Company Limited (Thuy Duong Co., Ltd)
Address: 102 Pham Hung Street (extended), Binh Hung Commune, Binh Chanh District, City. Ho Chi Minh.
Hotline: +84 28 3636 0404
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